You don’t want to run your own DNS servers? Never fear! There are some great options for free DNS providers. Below in alphabetical order are of some of the free DNS providers that I have used in the past, or currently still do.
- 4 DNS servers in Europe
- Allows other secondary slaves
- 20M queries/mo
- 4 DNS Servers
- 1 DNS zone, 50 records, 500k queries/mo
- 2 DNS server hostnames that are Anycast.
- 15 DNS zones
- 3 DNS servers, all in Europe.
- 5 DNS servers that are anycast in multiple locations USA, Europe, Asia.
- Note: You must delegate your domain to them before you can add your domain.
- 4 Anycast servers, 19 global pops
- 3 DNS zones, 30 records
- Allows other secondary slaves
- 5 DNS server hostnames which resolve to many IP addresses in USA and Europe.
- Available on IPv4 only.
- 4 DNS server hostnames that are anycast in 18+ locations around the world.
- 50 Records & 1M queries included in free account.
- Allows other secondary slaves
- 2 DNS server hostnames in the USA
- Available on IPv4 only.
- 1 to 5 free zones available.
- 250k queries/mo per domain
- Allows other secondary slaves
I try and keep this list regularly updated, please let me know if you have a suggested update.
If you already run your own DNS server and just want a secondary DNS service, I also have a page listing free Secondary DNS providers.