APRS in VK5 / South Australia

APRS in South Australia is on the 2M band, 145.175Mhz at 1200 baud.

Mobile stations should beacon as WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 as there is a reasonable digipeater and iGate network covering most of the populated areas of the state, the exception being the south east and far west of the state.

Smart beaconing with short timers is discouraged, a sensible fixed beacon time of 1-2 minutes should be sufficient in most cases.


Some of the APRS infrastructure in South Australia.

VK5 Digipeaters

CallsignLocationCoverage AreaCoverage Map
VK5ARC-1NormanvilleSouthern Fleurieu2024 - June
VK5RVH-1Victor HarborFleurieu / Coorong2024 - June
VK5RSV-1WillungaAdelaide - South2024 - June
VK5ZDF-1ReynellaAdelaide - South2024 - June
VK5RDF-1CrafersAdelaide2024 - June
VK5RHO-1HoughtonAdelaide - North2024 - June
VK5RMB-1Mt BeevorAdelaide Hills - East2024 - June
VK5RBV-1Mt KitchenerBarossa Valley2024 - June
VK5FI-1TarleeBarossa Valley2024 - June
VK5RWR-5WaikerieRiverland2024 - June
VK5RLD-1MoorookRiverland2024 - June
VK5RPA-1ParingaRiverland2024 - June
VK5RLH-1LochielMid North2024 - June
VK5RMN-1The BluffPort Pirie2024 - June
VK5RAE-1Mt ArdenPort Augusta2024 - June
VK5RAC-1Pillaworta HillEyre Pensinsula2024 - June

VK5 iGates

CallsignLocationCoverage AreaHeard DirectGated
VK5AH-5Holden HillAdelaide - Suburbs2024 - June2024 - June
VK5KX-1ElizabethAdelaide - Suburbs2024 - June2024 - June
VK5ZX-5FreelingBarossa Valley2024 - June2024 - June
VK5RWR-5WaikerieRiverland2024 - June2024 - June
VK5TRM-5LoxtonRiverland2024 - June2024 - June
VK5ATN-2BalaklavaMid North2024 - June2024 - June
VK5NEX-5WhyallaFar North2024 - June2024 - June
VK5LN-1Port LincolnLower Eyre2024 - June2024 - June
VK5AV-1Mount GambierSouth East2024 - June2024 - June


Digipeaters or iGates in South Australia that have been offline for some time.

CallsignLocationCoverage AreaNotes
VK5RPL-1Port LincolnLower Eyre PensinsulaDigi. Last seen April 2024
VK5JFK-1Mount GambierSouth EastDigi. Last seen March 2024
VK5REP-1CoolanieEyre PensinsulaDigi. Last seen December 2023
VK5EX-1Myrtle BankAdelaide - SuburbsDigi & iGate. Last seen July 2023.
VK5RLZ-1ElizabethAdelaide - Northern SuburbsDigi. Last seen January 2020.


If you find any information that should be added, removed, or updated please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.